Today i was a little bored
So I decided why not make a slime?
First i got some ingredients like2 clean bowls, wooden table spoon, white glue, food coloring ,borax (optional)
Then I begun
First I added the white glue into the bowl and then added some food coloring next I mixed it with a wooden table spoon.. while that was happening got
The other bowl and added fresh water and borax (clicks) I don’t really use borax but my cousin gave me an advice that borax Is very good for slime so I use borax clicks so mix water with borax and put in the slime mixture so my slime is ready!
My second slime is a giggly slime so
So first we need a clean bowl and a big table spoon
White glue but its better to use clear glue and the with another container put fresh water with borax and mix the solution…..Then put the container into the glue mixture and put some color and mix with the activator (borax solution) and DOOOOOOOONE !!! (if u really saw my face right know.. ) well that’s all bet u like it.
by: Mebrath
I love your blog it is amazing